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About Us

In the early 70s, David and Jill moved to a small farming community to raise their two sons, Tom and Shawn. Their farming journey began with an Allis Chalmers WD45 tractor, used for haymaking and raising a few head of cattle. Over the years, they’ve collected and restored nearly 30 Allis Chalmers tractors and two Gleaner F2 Combines, and now grow corn and soybeans.

Their passion for "Following the Orange" has taken them across the United States, searching for parts and pieces. This journey has led them to offer new and used parts for both collectors/restorers and farmers. You can find their tractor parts display at most major tractor shows, including the Gathering of the Orange, Allis Connection, OPOP, and many others featuring Allis Chalmers.

Contact Us:

  • Phone: 1-734-320-3470

  • Address: 16850 Boyce Road, Stockbridge, MI 49285

  • Note: No storefront available, but local pickups are welcome. Please call to make an appointment. Thank you!

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