Ignitor Delco fits 4 Cylinder appilcations with 6 volt positive ground Electronic Ignition Conversion Kit will replace your points and condenser with a breakerless solid state high performance electronic ignition system that fits entirely under your stock distributor cap. This will give your engine better fuel economy, more horsepower, longer plug life and all the advantages of an electronic ignition system. installs in less than 30 minutes in most
Allis Chalmers - B, IB, C, CA, D10, D12, D14, D15, D17, G, WC, WD, WD45, WF
John Deere - 1010, 2010, WITH 115/165 3010/201
Massey Ferguson - TO20, TO30, TO35, 35, 50, 65 Minneapolis-Moline - 5 Star, GB, GT, M5, M504, M602, M604, UB, UT
Oliver - 44, 55, 60, 66, 90, Super 44, 440, 550, 552, 900 White - 2-44
6-Volt Positive Ground for For Delco Distributor #s: 1111411, 1111530, 1111704, 1111708, 1111716, 1111718, 1111722,1111735, 1111736, 1111740, 1111745, 1111748, 1111908, 1111909, 1112385, 1112555, 1112557, 1112565, 1112570, 1112577, 1112583, 1112584, 1112585, 1112589, 1112593, 1112609, 1112614, 1112618, 1112629, 1885368, 1885555
FEATURES Delivers twice the voltage to the spark plugs, increasing horsepower, fuel economy, and spark plug life. 2:1 improvement over points in current fall time for increased coil output. Rotating cobalt magnets trigger a Hall Effect integrated circuit . points to burn, moving parts to wear out. Epoxy molding makes our module impervious to dirt, oil, grease and moisture. Fits entirely inside the distributor. No "black box to clutter the engine compartment. Stable timing need for any adjustments.
* Use spark plug wiring set AC-4304D graphite carbon core Premium united packard wire